Partner/Director of Accounts & Strategy
Marcie began her career as a project manager for the City of Charlottesville (Virginia) and Jefferson National Bank. She worked to create a mixed-use parking garage on the redevelopment of a 40-acre former CSX rail site into mixed-use office/residential, and on the creation of the Charlottesville Downtown promotional organization. From there she moved to a director’s position at the Virginia Film Office, where she developed the “For a Good Time Call Virginia” campaign complete with a scrawled-on-a-bathroom wall font. Moving to Charlotte in the 1990s, Marcie founded the Film Office of the Charlotte Regional Partnership and served as the executive director of The Light Factory Museum of Photography & Film, exponentially increasing revenues and attendance.
On the innovation front, Marcie led the creation of the leading CRM for film commissions nationwide, and brought the Charlotte arts nonprofits into the world of social media and email marketing back in the stone age of the early 2000s. Since 2012, Marcie has been running the account and strategy side of Kelso Communications, helping clients from City of Charlotte Planning to Duke Energy create advertising that allows them to stand out in a crowded communications world.